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What is it?

This initiative aims at encouraging all junior sports clubs to promote to its members that their coaches within their club will listen if they wanted to have THAT conversation.

THAT conversation could be anything and will likley have nothing to do with the sport they are playing... maybe it's STRESS from exams? ANXIETY about going to school? DREPRESSED feelings due to fall out with mates?

Got5ive's mission is to encourage all sports teams that cater for players 11 years+, to allow five minutes before and after practice/training, a safe space where players can talk to their coach openly and honestly.

Get involved

The aim is to make your players that attend your junior sports club more comfortable to speak to their coaches on any subject. A young persons coach is someone they look up to and we want each player to know that their club is a safe place and their coaches will listen. Get your club to sign up to this initiative today!

Coaching courses

Sometimes as a coach, you might not feel confident in what a player might want to talk about. Please don't worry, the chances are, they just want you to listen... it's just what do as their coach anyway. But if you would like to understand more and increase your knowledge, then we'll have some links to help you. Come back soon ...

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"1 in 6 children aged 5 to 16 were identified as having a mental health problem in July 2020"

NHS Digital

I want to show my players I'm ready to listen...

If you've decided to continue to make a difference in a young person's life (but go that little bit further) then thank you for your extra efforts... simply follow our 5ive step plan to promoting this awareness campaign.

Got a question?

We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch and begin the journey to success.


Encouraging junior sports coaches to listen and respond to the mental health of their players

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